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Personnel Training

May contain: helmet, clothing, glove, and person

The Training Division coordinates specialized in-house training to convey new concepts and techniques, reinforce existing skills and address modern advances in the delivery of emergency services which maintain the high skill level of our personnel.  Specialized training programs cover such diverse topics as:

  • Technical Rescue
    • High angle and low angle rope rescue
    • Confined space rescue
    • Trench rescue
    • Building collapse stabilization
    • Auto/Vehicle accident extrication
    • Small and Large scale Urban Search and Rescue
    • Shore based Water Rescue operations
  • Fire Suppression
    • Structural Firefighting
      • Building construction
      • Building search
      • Hose line deployment and use
      • Fire attack
      • Ventilation
      • Salvage, and
      • Overhaul
    • Wildland Fire
      • Wildland fire task, tactical, and strategic level skills
      • Back country wildland firefighting
      • Wildand Urban Interface (WUI) firefighting
    • Vehicle Fire
  • Hazardous Material Response
    • First Responder Operational - Decon (FRO-D)
    • Technician
    • Specialist
  • Emergency Medicine
    • Emergency Medical Technician
      • Basic Life Support (Commonly referred to as an "EMT")
      • Advanced Life Support ("Paramedic")
      • Medical Specialist (for use in Urban Search and Rescue application)
  • Incident Command System (ICS)
    • From Basic to Advanced/Complex Incident Management
    • Specialty ICS training in various functional Sections, Groups, and Units
    • Local, State, and Federal Incident Command Team membership
  • Fire Prevention
    • Occupancy Inspection
    • Public Education
  • Employee Wellness
    • Peer Support
    • Behavioral Wellness
    • Fitness

The following outlines the minimum training and experience expected for each rank at Montecito Fire Protection District: 


Firefighter/EMT Job Description


Firefighter/Paramedic Job Description


Engineer Job Description

Fire Captain

Fire Captain Job Description

Shift Battalion Chief

Shift Battalion Chief Job Description
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