Montecito Fire achieves higher rating from Insurance Services Office, By Christina Atchison
Apr 03, 2023 at 10:38 AM

MONTECITO, CA – Montecito Fire Protection District recently earned an improved rating from the Insurance Services Office (ISO) for its national Public Protection Classification (PPC) Program. The fire department’s ISO rating improved from 3/3x to 2/2x. The rating is based upon an evaluation of the structure fire suppression capabilities provided to the Montecito community. Insurers utilize this information to set insurance rates.
The ISO considers several factors when rating a fire department, including needed fire flows, emergency communications, water supply, location of fire hydrants, department staffing levels, training, location of fire stations, community risk reduction, outreach and fire prevention. As part of Montecito Fire’s overall evaluation, the Montecito Water District, which oversees water supply systems, was also evaluated. The ISO ratings range from 1 to 10, with 1 being the best score an agency can achieve.
This new rating makes Montecito Fire one of just over 1,900 fire departments in the United States, and one of 173 in California, to achieve a 2/2x rating.
“Obtaining this designation from the ISO is a testament to both our fire department’s dedication to providing exceptional service to the community, and the great partnership we enjoy with our community members,” said Fire Chief David Neels. “By participating in our fire prevention programs and taking personal initiative to prepare for wildfire and other emergencies, our community members have made it possible for our fire department to achieve this significant accomplishment.”
ISO’s PPC Program is meaningful for communities and fire departments alike. The program plays an important role in the underwriting process at insurance companies, as PPC information is used by most U.S. insurers to determine which businesses to write, coverages to offer, or prices to charge for personal or commercial property insurance. As a result, communities whose ISO PPC rating improves, like Montecito, may see lower insurance premiums.
The new 2/2x classification became effective April 1, 2023. More information about the ISO’s Public Protection Classification Program is available here.